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What To Do When Asked To Login While Using Clone Attack

If you’re reading this then you’ve made the right decision and have installed Clone Attack. Now you can duplicate your HubSpot records with just a few clicks!

But wait a minute! You or a team member is getting the hapily login screen whenever you attempt to use the app. What’s going on here? Is the app broken? Was it not installed correctly?

How to use Clone Attack in HubSpot

“Time to contact for help!” you say. And while we’re happy to help, you may not have time to wait for a reply.

Fortunately, there are several different ways to resolve this issue. I’ll walk you through them!

How you can fix the hapily login screen on your Clone Attack App

Number 1. Don’t use Safari: One of the most common reasons for users seeing the login screen is that they are attempting to use Clone Attack in the Safari web browser. This is a big no-no when it comes to hapily apps as they don’t function properly there.

We’ve tried being nice, sending flowers with chocolates, the whole nine yards. But Safari just doesn’t want to run our apps.

So if you or your affected team member are using this browser while attempting to use Clone Attack, switch to a different one (Literally any other one).

Number 2. Have the main admin user login to the hapily portal: Might seem like your standard “Turn it off then on” solution, but it works!

The main admin user is whoever installed the app / set up the hapily portal for your HubSpot instance. When he logs into hapily, it triggers a refresh which should grant you and/or your team members access to the app.

If you’re ever unsure as to who the main admin user is, login to your hapily portal here, and look at the name in the top right corner.

HubSpot Clone Attack login screen

Number 3. Try a fresh browser: Cookies and plugins can often interfere with a web app’s functionality. Try using Clone Attack in a different browser entirely. If you’re using Google Chrome, you can also try using Guest Mode to test the app.

HubSpot how to fix the Clone Attack Login Screen

If the app starts working, that means there’s likely something running in your main browser that’s interfering with it. Try clearing your cache if this is the case!

Number 4. If all else fails, there’s one end all be all solution. The affected user likely doesn’t have admin access for the hapily portal! This one is a pretty easy fix fortunately.

You (or whoever the main admin user is) will need to grant the affected user admin access. To do so:

1. Login to the hapily portal.

2. Click Team Settings in the left sidebar. From here, you’ll see a list of all of the users connected to your HubSpot instance.

3. Find the team member you want to grant admin access to. Change the Admin Access field to Allow Access.

4. Not done yet! Click Update Team at the top right of the portal when you’re ready. If you don’t, the user’s access won’t be updated.

HubSpot how to enable users to use Clone Attack

5. It can take a little while for your HubSpot instance to reflect the changes you just made. So wait around 10-15 minutes before attempting to use Clone Attack again.

And that’s all there is to it! Just remember: You can always message us at if you ever have trouble. We're happy to help!

If you enjoyed this post, why not share it with your friends? And if you need a comprehensive tutorial on how the hapily admin portal works, check out this blog!